For the
last years, English is considered as one of the most recognized languages
in the world. In this sense, this is used as a tool for developing trades, business;
and even for any professional program is required, in order to help people to
be ready to face the world. In our country, in which English is recognized as a
foreign language, due to the lack of possibilities to interact in this language
in common life situations, most of the people do not see the necessity to learn
this wonderful language. It is sad to see how the public schools do not give
the relevance that this language deserves. From my point of view, English should
not be seen as a benefit only for those who have the opportunity to travel around
the world. English is a plus for our live, is an option to see the world in a
different way, to know people, to learn about culture, and also to understand what
is happening surrounding us.

On the other hand,
teaching, for me is one of the most beautiful professions in the world.Being a teacher involves developing other abilities such as mediator, modulator, advisor, and other roles such as, parents, doctor, psicologists, actor, chef and many more. the reason why I decide to become a teacher is still a mistery in my life. However i hav enejoyed each day in which I have had the opportunity to enter to a classroom to enlight my life and my students' too. teaching it not any more a process of transmiting knowledge. Nowadays teaching is seen as a complementary process that help learners to guide their thoughts and actions to become better citizens. in the hands of many teachers is the future of the world, is our job to transform the life of the people that enter to our classroom.
learning is a beautiful process wich involves different context and concepts. First of all, learnign is a need of the human being. Since the conception process and the development of the fetus in the pregnancy stage babies start learning form the environment surrounding them. in the childhood, learning is a result of the relationship with the context, From family, friends and school. From a certain stage we start focusing our learning according to our likes or needs. But the most amaizing part of learning is the final product, when we realize that we have learned and that we can use that kowledge in our daily life. Our role as teachers is to help the learners to keep surprising of the world that sourround them, in that way, learning will not be a boring process for the kids.
Dear Natalia,
ResponderEliminarIt is wonderful to see you really love this profession. English is a incredible powerful tool and cultural mediator. I totally agree with you most of the schools do not give enough relevance to language teaching, It is our job to change that I guess.